**Thursday 26th May 2022, 12.30pm **AEST(1hr duration – non-recorded session)
CAUDIT is pleased to bring to you two sessions on mentoring perspectives from the viewpoints of the mentor and the mentees.
Session A - For mentors: How to be a great mentor (26/05/2022)
Session B - For mentees: Getting value from your mentoring sessions (02/06/2022)
During the session we will explore themes commonly experienced by mentors such as establishing the why before entering into a relationship, setting the scope of the sessions, how many mentees should you consider having, how to manage mentees expectation and exploring what a successful mentoring relationship can look like.
#### OUR FACILITATOR: Anne Kealley
Anne Kealley retired in mid 2021 after 12 rewarding years in executive leadership positions within the higher education sector culminating with her seven-years as CEO of CAUDIT.
Throughout her career, Anne has been a passionate advocate for empowering her staff and others through fostering strong relationships and knowledge sharing and it is through her own experiences as a mentor and a mentee that she shares some of her thoughts and perspectives on things to consider when entering into a mentor/mentee relationship.